The One With ’90’s Shoegaze and Dream Pop

Perched on top of a table in the corner of a small bar in Sheffield, Widowspeak, a young, talented, indie-pop duo from Brooklyn, look right at home. The poster couple bring their own nuances to independent music with their 90’s shoegaze, ethereal sound.

Their opening song pours into the room, with patient guitar hooks and haunting vocals. Guitarist and vocalist Molly Hamilton is endearing throughout, especially on Ballad of the Golden Hour, which really showcases the pairs song-writing talent.

The versatile guitar lines between Hamilton and Thomas create a tangible compromise of hippy idealism and the spirit of good old rock n' roll.

Widowspeak signed to independent record label Captured Tracks in New York, which has nurtured and developed the rise of luminescent music by signing bands such as Wild Nothing, DIIV and Mac Demarco. They released their debut album of the same name, just a year after forming.

Without a band behind them, the performance feels slow and slight. The showmanship is stripped down to bare minimum. But it's edgy and it's cool. I mean, what do you expect from a small independent band, who are said to be touring entirely on trains with just their guitars on their backs?

The Dark Age combines infectious guitar riffs with romanticized, melancholic lyrics. The highlight of the performance is the arrival of one of their latest singles, Thick as Thieves, which feels both empowering and nostalgic. The crowd, swaying in time, are drinking in every word.

Minnewaska provides a meshing of warm folk-tinged guitar licks and enchanting vocals. The set closes with Storm King, another melancholic number which stops suddenly and echoes throughout the room.

Bungalows and Bears are always known for putting on cool live music, especially over Tramlines weekend. Sure, there are tonnes of bands who sound great live but Widowspeak's performance was honest and raw. I wouldn't be surprised if they're on the bill plenty more festival line-ups in the years to come.

** Please note: This post has been added and back-dated to the original time of publishing. Originally published by Sheffield Unchained. I thought you still might like to read it. **

The One With Wolf Alice

Mixing undiscovered local talent with some of the hottest bands on the music scene, it’s no surprise that Tramlines has harnessed the title of ‘best Metropolitan Festival’ in the past.

This year’s line-up saw the Tramlines debut of Wolf Alice, a young, four-piece alternative band from London. 

Wolf Alice first crept onto the music scene in 2010 sporting a folk-tinged pop sound. Originally a solo project, vocalist Ellie Roswell was later joined by guitarist Joff Oddie, bassist Joel Amey and drummer Theo Ellie. Alas, the rebirth of Wolf Alice, now described as the “lovechild of folk and grunge”.

Following the release of their self-titled EP, Wolf Alice signed to independent record label Chess Club Records, which has nurtured and developed some of the most talented new bands in the UK. They released their first single Fluffy in February. Gaining airplay from BBC Radio 1 and recognition from NME, Wolf Alice began roaming the independent festival circuit – which brought them right here to the Steel City.

Carefully selecting Sheffield’s much loved Bungalows and Bears as their musical cavern, the band present a cracking show.

Proudly displaying their progression from previous folk niceties, their opening song fills the room with core-shaking drum beats, intense crashing of guitar riffs and enchanting vocals. Roswell is truly mesmerizing throughout, particularly on White Leather, which isn’t too dissimilar from the soft vocals of Romy Madley Croft of The XX, who are signed to the same record label.

Their ferocious presence hasn’t waned since I last saw them in Leeds. Nose Dive proves a firm favourite with the crowd, hinting at a new wave of 90’s revival.

Their first single Fluffy is finally announced by the heavy roaring of guitars and goes down a treat. The band never takes their foot off the pedal as they launch straight into Leaving You.

The highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the arrival of their latest single Bros a song about friendship and loyalty.

Wolf Alice are a breath of fresh air. They look cool, sound cool and had an achingly dry sense of humour when joking around between songs.The audience were left musically sated, no doubt wondering what would come next for a band full of charisma and formidable talent.

I have a feeling that Wolf Alice will continue to prowl the music scene with their unique sound. And in all honesty, I can’t wait to see what they do next!

** Please note: This post has been added and back-dated to the original time of publishing. Originally published by Sheffield Unchained. I thought you still might like to read it. **